Add the sensors to the Robot object and develop the line-following behavior code.
Add the sensors to the Robot object and develop the line-following behavior code - Proteus Simulation Proteus Circuit Design: Components Required: 1) Arduino Uno 2) IR sensors (x2) 3) L298 Motor Controller 4) DC motors (x2) 5) Logic Toggle (x2) 6) Ground 7) Power, DC Link for Libraries: Code for Circuit: void setup () { pinMode ( 2 , INPUT ) ; pinMode ( 3 , INPUT ) ; pinMode ( 10 , OUTPUT ) ; pinMode ( 11 , OUTPUT ) ; pinMode ( 12 , OUTPUT ) ; pinMode ( 13 , OUTPUT ) ; } void loop () { int v = digitalRead ( 2 ) ; int s = digitalRead ( 3 ) ; if ( v == 1 and s == 1 ){ digitalWrite ( 13 , 1 ) ; digitalWrite ( 12 , 0 ) ; digitalWrite ( 11 , 1 ) ; digitalWrite ( 10 , 0 ) ; } if ( v == 1 and s == 0 ){ digitalWrite ( 13 , 0 ) ; digitalWrite ( 12 , 1 ) ; ...