
Developing a Voting Smart Contract in Solidity using Remix IDE | Blockchain Tutorials

  Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash      Hello, so in this tutorial we will be developing the smart contract for voting. Whenever we talk about decentralized applications or dapps, voting is one of the best use cases for it. In centralized voting system there are many issues such as manipulation of votes or system by the authority who has the control. But by the help of blockchain we can bring transparency along with privacy to the voting application.      So lets start with our code, we will understand various sections of our code one by one.  So the first line of code we will be defining the licensing that we will be using for the code. You can make your code free to use or you make your code copyrighted using different license options. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Next we will add the compiler version. This will tell the IDE that on which compiler version we need to compile our code on. Depending on your code or code components ...

Create and deploy a block chain network using Hyperledger Fabric SDK for Java on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Follow these steps to build your first blockchain network using hyperledger fabric sdk for java. Step 1: Check if curl is installed. Command: curl --version Command if not installed: apt install curl Step 2: Check if docker is installed. Command: docker --version Command if not installed: apt install Step 3: Check if docker-compose is installed Command: docker-compose --version Command if not installed: apt install docker-compose Step 5: Check if go is installed. Command: go version   Command if not installed: apt install golang-go Step 6: Check if nodejs is installed. Command: node –v Command if not installed: apt install nodejs Step 7: Check if npm is installed. Command: npm --version Command if not installed: apt install npm Step 8:   Check if git is installed. Command: git --version Step 4: Check if python is installed. Command: python3 --version Step 9: Configure some git properties. Command: git config ...

Add the sensors to the Robot object and develop the line-following behavior code.

Add the sensors to the Robot object and develop the line-following behavior code - Proteus Simulation Proteus Circuit Design: Components Required: 1) Arduino Uno 2) IR sensors (x2) 3) L298 Motor Controller 4) DC motors (x2) 5) Logic Toggle (x2) 6) Ground 7) Power, DC Link for Libraries: Code for Circuit: void setup () {   pinMode ( 2 , INPUT ) ;   pinMode ( 3 , INPUT ) ;   pinMode ( 10 , OUTPUT ) ;   pinMode ( 11 , OUTPUT ) ;   pinMode ( 12 , OUTPUT ) ;   pinMode ( 13 , OUTPUT ) ; } void loop () {   int v = digitalRead ( 2 ) ;   int s = digitalRead ( 3 ) ;   if ( v == 1 and s == 1 ){     digitalWrite ( 13 , 1 ) ;     digitalWrite ( 12 , 0 ) ;     digitalWrite ( 11 , 1 ) ;     digitalWrite ( 10 , 0 ) ;   }   if ( v == 1 and s == 0 ){     digitalWrite ( 13 , 0 ) ;     digitalWrite ( 12 , 1 ) ; ...

IoT application that will alert whenever it will be going to rain outside

 IoT application that will alert whenever it will be going to rain outside - Proteus Simulation Proteus Circuit Design: Components Required: 1) Arduino Uno  2) Rain Sensor 3) Virtual Terminal 4) Logic Toggle 5) DC 6) Ground Links for Libraries: Link for Arduino IDE download: Code for Arduino: void setup () {   Serial . begin ( 9600 ) ;   pinMode ( 2 , INPUT ) ; } void loop () {   int rain_sensor = digitalRead ( 2 ) ;   if ( rain_sensor == 1 ){     Serial . println ( "It's raining" ) ;     delay ( 500 ) ;   }   if ( rain_sensor == 0 ){     Serial . println ( "It's not raining" ) ;     delay ( 500 ) ;   } }

IOT application to measure the intensity of light and send feedback

 IOT application to measure the intensity of light and send feedback - Tinker Cad Tinker Cad Circuit Design: Components Required: 1) Arduino Uno R3 2) Breadboard Small 3) Led 4) Photoresistor  5) Multimeter 6) Resistor (x2) Code for the circuit: int sensorvalue = 0; void setup(){   pinMode(A0, INPUT);   Serial.begin(9600);   pinMode(9, OUTPUT); } void loop(){   sensorvalue = analogRead(A0);   Serial.println(sensorvalue);   analogWrite(9, map(sensorvalue, 0, 1023, 0, 255));   delay(100); }

Develop script to test sensors (IR sensor)

Develop script to test sensors (IR sensor) - TinkerCad  Tinker Cad circuit design: Components Required: 1) Arduino Uno R3 2) PIR Sensor 3) Piezo (Buzzer) 4) LED RGB Code for above circuit: int pirsesnor = 0; void setup(){   pinMode(2, INPUT);   pinMode(12, OUTPUT);   pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop(){   pirsesnor = digitalRead(2);   if(pirsesnor == HIGH){     digitalWrite(13, HIGH);     tone(12,500,500);   }   digitalWrite(13, LOW); }

Add pan and tilt service to the robot object.

 Add pan and tilt service to the robot object and test it Tinker Cad Circuit Design: Components Required: 1) Arduino Uno R3 2) Micro Servo (x2) 3) Potentiometer (x2) 250 kilo Ohms 3) Breadboard Small Code for the Circuit: #include <Servo.h> int sensorValue = 0; int outputValue = 0; int sensorValue1 = 0; int outputValue1 = 0; Servo servo_9; Servo servo_7; void setup(){   pinMode(A0, INPUT);   servo_9.attach(9);   pinMode(A1, INPUT);   servo_7.attach(7); } void loop(){   sensorValue = analogRead(A0);   outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 180);   sensorValue1 = analogRead(A1);   outputValue1 = map(sensorValue1, 0, 1023, 0, 180);   servo_9.write(outputValue);   servo_7.write(outputValue1);   delay(10); }